The Impact of Transition from Home to Host Culture on the International Student’s Academic Persistence Decision
Keith J. Connell, a lifelong learner in higher education research, will present at Georgian College’s Research, Innovation, Scholarship, and Entrepreneurship series on the topic of the international student experience and how it impacts their persistence and withdrawal decision on April 5, 2023. Connell’s presentation will shed light on the unique challenges that international students face when studying abroad and how they can affect their decision to continue their studies or withdraw from their program.
International students are essential to higher education, with more than 5 million students studying abroad in 2022. However, despite the many benefits of studying abroad, international students face unique challenges that can impact their academic success and overall experience. Connell’s presentation will address these challenges, including language barriers, cultural differences, and social isolation. He explained how these challenges could lead to frustration, loneliness, and anxiety, impacting their motivation to persist with their studies.
Connell will also discuss the importance of support systems for international students through the need for colleges and universities to provide tailored support services to help international students overcome their challenges. This can include cultural integration programs and counselling services. Additionally, Connell will discuss the impact of academic misconduct accusations on international students’ persistence and withdrawal decisions.
Overall, Connell’s presentation will highlight the need for colleges and universities to understand better the challenges that international students face and to provide targeted support to help them overcome these challenges. By doing so, institutions can help international students succeed academically and thrive in their new environments.
Academic Integrity Panel
In addition to this, he will also participate in a panel discussion on academic integrity panel. The primary objective of this panel discussion is to create a collaborative environment where many of the key players are sitting at the table to discuss their thoughts, views, and hopes for academic integrity at Georgian. The panelists will present from their perspectives various issues in academic integrity: how it is defined; institutional policies and procedures; institutional challenges; how it is taught; the roles and responsibilities of the key actors; cultural challenges. Overall issues, opportunities and perceptions will also be addressed.
In conclusion, Keith J. Connell’s participation in Georgian College’s Research, Innovation, Scholarship, and Entrepreneurship series provided valuable insights into the unique challenges that international students face when studying abroad. His research highlights the need for colleges and universities to provide targeted support to help international students overcome these challenges and succeed academically. By doing so, institutions can ensure international students have a positive and fulfilling experience while studying abroad.