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Academic Development Program

Lesson Planning Template from Instructional Skills Workshop

Lesson Title Date
No One Gets Left Behind October 4, 2023
The students will read a series of photos and descriptions of the images. Each photo in the first series will have keywords or single words describing the image, and they are responsible for finding the image that best matches it – the intent will be that it will be too difficult to figure out. Then, the second series will have deeper and more precise descriptions, thus, it will be easier. This demonstrates the concept of ALT tags in a website.
Learning objective(s)
  1. Understanding the AODA/WCAG
  2. Purpose and principles of accessibility
  3. Discuss the online compliance requirements for AODA
  4. Accessibility in practice
  5. Benefits of compliance
Pre-assessment Materials
  • Students will take an online quiz (Kahoot) demonstrating AODA and will be asked to demonstrate their understanding. (10 – 15 minutes)
  • Mac computer
  • Slide advancer
  • Five photos and poor descriptions of photos in series one
  • Five photos and good descriptions in series two
  • Access to accessibility plugins for website design
Participatory Learning
Time Instructor Activities Learner Activities Lesson Resources
5 mins
  1. Go to
  2. Ask the students to close their eyes and listen.
  3. Enter into the toolbar and play the reader.
  4. Ask the students to reflect on what they heard and whether it made sense.
  1. The students must close their eyes and listen while the reader reads the site.
  2. The students will reflect on what they heard, whether they understood the site, and whether it could be better.
  • Computer
  • Access to the internet
  • Access to
15 mins
  1. In breakout sessions of four or five students, the group will be assigned a topic to discuss.
  2. After seven minutes, have the students return to the main session and discuss what they discussed.
  1. The students will work in breakout rooms, discussing the assigned topic.
  2. They should focus on what the situation means to them and how the subject affects them.
  3. Assign a spokesperson to discuss the group’s discussions.
  • Access to Blackboard or a cellphone (for a QR Barcode).
10 mins
  1. Have the students put post-it notes on the graphic in Google Jamboard.
  2. The post-its should reflect what a designer can do to ensure accessibility.
  1. Complete the post-it notes.
  2. Ask them to look at the responses as they are sorted.
  • Computer
  • Access to the internet
  • Phone or computer
The students, as a reflection, will make a note of their thoughts on AODA or accessibility. Is it worth it? What can we do? Who benefits most? Then look at the website and count how many elements or strategies have been employed in the website. They are free to use a reader or any other assistive tool to help here.
While accessibility measures are primarily implemented to assist individuals with disabilities, they often lead to improved usability for everyone. Designing with accessibility in mind, such as clear navigation, well-structured content, and keyboard-friendly interfaces, benefits not only those with disabilities but also older adults, users on mobile devices, and individuals in various situational contexts (e.g., noisy environments where audio content can’t be heard).
Notes for next time