Keith J. Connell, MBA

Ph.D. StudentProfessorResearcherPodcaster

Every student will have the opportunity for success in the classroom, free from all barriers to realizing their dreams.

easel of a flipchart shaowing bar graphs of success

Educational Leadership.

It isn’t just about getting the job done. It is about everything that we think, do, and present in the classroom.

Educational Leadership

Keith is applying the policies of educational leadership today for a brighter tomorrow using the most current training methods.

Vision Statement

Keith’s vision is simple – one day, every student will have the opportunity for success in the classroom, free from all barriers to realizing their dreams.

Thought Leadership

Keith’s mission statement through research and mentoring is to “help facilitate, inspire, and empower each student to achieve their dreams.”

Voted the Best Standard Presentation at the University of Windsor’s Graduate in Education Research Conference in 2023

Educational leadership means understanding your subject matter. Image of Keith's Understanding and Navigating WordPress ebook.

Understanding and Navigating WordPress

$9.95 CDN

Understanding and Navigating WordPress

$9.95 CDN

This book takes the new adopter of WordPress into the platform, and better understands the ecosystem. As a precursor to his next book, Keith introduces the reader to digital marketing strategies.

This book takes the new adopter of WordPress into the platform, and better understands the ecosystem. As a precursor to his next book, Keith introduces the reader to digital marketing strategies.

  • Understanding the platform
  • Managing your posts and pages
  • Installing and updating themes and plugins
  • Special WordPress functionality available

Some of My Articles

and Other Scholarly Work

A Thanksgiving Day tradition – Gratitude and appreciation: An incredible journey at Georgian College

Sometimes, we encounter special individuals who profoundly impact our journey. I have been fortunate to be constantly surrounded by a remarkable community of incredible colleagues, friends, and students at Georgian College. Their resilience, dedication, and unwavering support have made my experience at Georgian College extraordinary. Today, I want to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation for the amazing people who have shaped my time here. Embracing Diversity and Resilience: One ...

Baking the perfect URL

In today's digital age, where establishing an online presence is essential for individuals and businesses alike, choosing the right URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is crucial.

Do you have an idea? Suggest a studyParticipate in researchContact me


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Educational Leadership.

Let’s work together to remove all barriers in the classroom so that our students can achieve and exceed their dreams.

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