Advertising and Marketing Communications

Students learn ad skills. They apply them in all areas of their jobs in advertising.

REAS1002 – Advertising Research

2021-03-14T20:05:40+00:00March 14, 2021|Advertising and Marketing Communications, Courses Taken, Georgian College|

Advertising research provides an aid in the decision-making process. Consumer research will focus on consumer attitudes and the influencing behavior of their purchase choices so advertisers can make well-informed decisions about their target audience. You will collect, analyze and make recommendations using primary and secondary research techniques.

ADVE2013 – Account Management

2021-03-11T19:24:39+00:00March 11, 2021|Advertising and Marketing Communications, Courses Taken, Georgian College|

Account management is an integral part of advertising agencies. This course introduces you to the account management function. You will learn how the account manager/co-ordinator works with creative and media teams and the client to prepare effective integrated marketing communications materials which meet the client’s business objectives.

ADVE2006 – Campaigns/Prof Practices

2021-03-11T19:21:16+00:00March 11, 2021|Advertising and Marketing Communications, Courses Taken, Georgian College|

This professional practices course brings together all aspects of the marketing communications process. Students utilize their learning to prepare communications plans and materials for both non-profit and profit-making clients which they have solicited. Students also prepare for their careers by developing a professional portfolio.

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