University of Fredericton

The University of Fredericton (UFred) is an online university that offers certificate, diploma, and degree programmes in a variety of formats. Working professionals who want to enhance their careers and improve their education with minimal disruption to their job and home lives can benefit from these programmes.

EMBA8999 – Enterprise Integration Project

2021-03-11T18:07:43+00:00March 11, 2021|Courses Taken, University of Fredericton|

IP 8999 is the capstone or culminating experience in your EMBA program. The course provides the opportunity to apply the concepts and skills acquired in the EMBA foundations in a strategic analysis of a sponsoring organization using a multi-dimensional integrated framework. In addition to applying key concepts already learned, you will develop additional knowledge and perspective on strategically weaving these concepts into sustainable organizational purpose and action benefitting multiple stakeholders. The structured analytical framework focuses on three levels – value creation, organizational enablers, and organizational leadership. Each of these levels contains certain foundational inter-relationships and the three levels themselves are strategically integrated. The Integrated Project provides a team approach to acquisition of leadership and strategic concepts that lead to organizational sustainability, provide actionable improvement considerations for sponsoring organizations, and enhance the reputation and value of your University of Fredericton degree.

EMBA8011 – Leading Effective Teams

2021-03-11T18:04:41+00:00March 11, 2021|Courses Taken, University of Fredericton|

Managerial roles and responsibilities are becoming increasingly global in nature. In many companies, the ability to manage in a global environment has become an important criterion (if not the most important criterion) for both executive promotion to top management levels and concomitant business success in the modern world. This course integrates the three core dimensions of leadership, culture, and technology. This course is first and foremost a leadership course - specifically, leadership of virtual global teams. In order to be successful leading virtual global teams, one must understand the cultural aspects, the tools and techniques virtual teams, and when and how to use technology to support the process. Each week students will study different aspects and issues of culture along with tools and techniques for virtual teams, and the associated technology. This course begins with an orientation on virtual teams and global leadership and ends with a focus on considerations for developing an organizational environment to support virtual ways of working. In between, the course will focus on important topics like the understanding of cultural differences, business communication in a virtual global context, skills for dealing with conflict; and developing multi-cultural teams in the virtual environment.

EMBA7040 -Strategic Operations Planning

2021-03-11T17:57:32+00:00March 11, 2021|Courses Taken, University of Fredericton|

This course introduces students with a broad conceptual framework for evaluating operations management practices in traditional manufacturing firms and service organizations. Concepts, techniques and tools related to the four major decision responsibilities of operations managers (i.e. process, quality, capacity and inventory) are studied and discussed. Emphasis will be on operations strategy, theory of constraints, lean management principles, total quality management, project management, decision analysis, capacity management, inventory management and supply chain management.

EMBA8021 – Innovation Best Practice II (Intrapreneur)

2021-03-11T17:55:29+00:00March 11, 2021|Courses Taken, University of Fredericton|

Intrapreneurs play a critical role in organizations in conceiving and championing significant new avenues for the corporation to continuously revitalize itself, be they major new product initiatives (e.g., Apple’s iPod), new technologies, new markets, new operational processes, new IS/IT technologies, new HRM initiatives, and/or new partnerships. In this course, we will examine the theoretical foundations and field-tested best practices for formulating Intrapreneurship ideas, developing the business case, gaining senior management and resource commitment, minimizing resistance, and ensuring successful execution. Readings, and case studies will be drawn from diverse fields such as Corporate Intrapreneurship, Innovation Management, Change Management, and/or Technology Management. Students will be expected to share personal experiences during the seminars. (Prerequisite: EMBA 8020)

EMBA8020 – Innovation Best Practice I

2021-03-11T17:54:05+00:00March 11, 2021|Courses Taken, University of Fredericton|

As essential as innovation is for the long-term health of a corporation, it remains a profound challenge for the corporate and organizational leadership to optimize the effectiveness and efficiency of an ongoing operation, while also trying to cultivate and integrate potentially disruptive products and processes, or any requisite mergers, acquisitions and/or spinouts. In this course, we will examine the theoretical foundations and field-tested best practices for fostering the organization of innovation initiatives while managing corporate conflict and change, and rewarding success (or failure). Readings, and case studies will be drawn from diverse fields such as Corporate Innovations, Innovation Management, Mergers and Acquisitions, and Change Management. Students will be expected to share personal experiences during the seminars.

EMBA7035 – Strategic Marketing Planning

2021-03-11T17:52:01+00:00March 11, 2021|Courses Taken, University of Fredericton|

This course focuses on the strategic marketing planning process from the perspective of two key roles in the organization, i.e. the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) and the Brand (or Product) Manager. Leaning heavily on external and internal analyses, we examine how these managers refine the company's long-term go-to-market strategy, comprising decisions about product/market portfolio, corporate and product-level brands and brand positioning, plus, for each product category, a carefully orchestrated suite of decisions concerning product design, go-to-market partnerships, pricing, promotion and integrated marketing communications.

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