


December 2023

November 2023

October 2023

A Thanksgiving Day tradition – Gratitude and appreciation: An incredible journey at Georgian College

By |October 9, 2023|Articles, Educational Blog|

Sometimes, we encounter special individuals who profoundly impact our journey. I have been fortunate to be constantly surrounded by a remarkable community of incredible colleagues, friends, and students at Georgian College. Their resilience, dedication, and unwavering support have made my experience at Georgian College extraordinary. ...

September 2023

August 2023

March 2023

November 2022

October 2022

September 2022

June 2022

Micro-Credentials: A Strategy in Higher Education

By |June 15, 2022|Educational Blog|

Both the private and public sectors have been using micro-credentials to help upgrade the skills of labourers (e.g., forklift and working at heights certifications), teachers (credentials earned during professional development programs), and even highly trained physicians (certifications in new advancements in health care).

May 2021

Open Letter To My Students

By |May 7, 2021|Educational Blog|

In education we can so easily become wrapped up in issues of academic integrity, planning curriculum, and keeping our collective heads above water, that we sometimes can forget the student's perspective and their bravery in chasing their aspirations.

April 2021


November 2023

Keith Serves As A Guest Blogger

By |November 6, 2023|Articles, In The News|

For me, one of the most influential scenes in a movie came from Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society (Weir, 1989). He taught me to look at the classroom differently. This is why my latest blog, published in's community of practice blog began with this ...

October 2023

September 2023

ADP Teaching Observations

By |September 23, 2023|ADP Portfolio, Educational Tools|

The Teaching Observations Form provides a comprehensive overview of my recent observations in a teaching environment. During this observation, I closely examined various aspects of the teaching process from other instructors, noting strengths and improvement areas in my classroom.


By |September 20, 2023|ADP Portfolio, BOPPS, Educational Tools|

In my ongoing dedication to crafting captivating and stimulating class experiences, I've initiated converting the BOPPS form into an HTML format. This transformation ensures that my classes remain engaging and interesting and provides me with continuous accessibility to the associated files, further enhancing the teaching and learning process.

2023-09-08 Rearview Reflection

By |September 8, 2023|Reflections|

As I stepped into the role of a full-time professor at Georgian College, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. It had been more than five years since I first stepped into a classroom as a teacher, yet the feeling of butterflies in my stomach seemed even more intense this time.

March 2023

October 2022

EDUC 6211 – Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

By |October 7, 2022|University of Windsor|

EDUC 9211 -This course introduces students to the origins and intellectual traditions of theories that influence how we organize education. Students develop an understanding of sociological paradigms that have influenced educational systems over time, and develop perspectives that enable them to think critically and creatively about contemporary and future issues in ...

May 2022


November 2023

Keith Serves As A Guest Blogger

By |November 6, 2023|Articles, In The News|

For me, one of the most influential scenes in a movie came from Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society (Weir, 1989). He taught me to look at the classroom differently. This is why my latest blog, published in's community of practice blog began with this ...

October 2023

September 2023

ADP Teaching Observations

By |September 23, 2023|ADP Portfolio, Educational Tools|

The Teaching Observations Form provides a comprehensive overview of my recent observations in a teaching environment. During this observation, I closely examined various aspects of the teaching process from other instructors, noting strengths and improvement areas in my classroom.


By |September 20, 2023|ADP Portfolio, BOPPS, Educational Tools|

In my ongoing dedication to crafting captivating and stimulating class experiences, I've initiated converting the BOPPS form into an HTML format. This transformation ensures that my classes remain engaging and interesting and provides me with continuous accessibility to the associated files, further enhancing the teaching and learning process.

2023-09-08 Rearview Reflection

By |September 8, 2023|Reflections|

As I stepped into the role of a full-time professor at Georgian College, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. It had been more than five years since I first stepped into a classroom as a teacher, yet the feeling of butterflies in my stomach seemed even more intense this time.

March 2023

October 2022

EDUC 6211 – Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

By |October 7, 2022|University of Windsor|

EDUC 9211 -This course introduces students to the origins and intellectual traditions of theories that influence how we organize education. Students develop an understanding of sociological paradigms that have influenced educational systems over time, and develop perspectives that enable them to think critically and creatively about contemporary and future issues in ...

May 2022

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